Below are decks submitted by community members. You can sort the table by any of the headers by clicking on the header, and you'll find the deck list by clicking on the deck title.

Starting Character Deck Name Set Event Contributor
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (da) DMS Potion Drop (1st) GOF TFeb2025
Professor Rubeus Hagrid (poa) Hagrid's Private Lessons (2nd) GOF TFeb2025
Hermoine, S.P.E.W. Founder (gof) Even Potions Can Be Good (3rd) GOF TFeb2025
Professor Severus Snape (bs) Character Control (4th) GOF TFeb2025
Professor Sybill Trelawney (poa) Pluto Hits Aquarius (5th) GOF TFeb2025
Madame Olympe Maxime (gof) Please guess... (6th) GOF TFeb2025
Molly Weasley (cos) Family Time (7th) GOF TFeb2025
Angelina Johnson (aah) Angelina's Match (8th) GOF TFeb2025
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (da) Draco's Breaking Everything Again (9th) GOF TFeb2025
Professor Rubeus Hagrid (poa) Inheriting Hagrid's Unique Corridor (1st) GOF TDec2024
Seamus Finnigan (qc) Smack! (2nd) GOF TDec2024
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (qc) Self Damage Aggro (2rd) GOF TDec2024
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (qc) Flying McGonagall (4th) GOF TDec2024
Professor Filius Flitwick (cs) Dumbshit (5th) GOF TDec2024
Prof. Rubeus Hagrid (poa) Hagrid Theme Deck (6th) GOF TDec2024
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (qc) McGonagall Tempo Creatures (7th) GOF TDec2024
Molly Weasley (cos) Molly and her Grandfather-In-Law's Clock (8th) GOF TDec2024
Hermione, S.P.E.W. Founder (gof) Oliver, S.P.E.W. Captain (1st) GOF TNov2024
Professor Flitwick, Charms Master (eotp) Master Lockdown (2nd) GOF TNov2024
Hermione, S.P.E.W. Founder (gof) Spider symphony (3rd) GOF TNov2024
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (da) Bumphing Items (4th) GOF TNov2024
Professor Rubeus Hagrid (poa) Hagrid's lovely creatures (5th) GOF TNov2024
Professor Rubeus Hagrid (poa) Carson the Doggo (6th) GOF TNov2024
Armando Dippet (hos) Dippet's Unique Class Photo (7th) GOF TNov2024
Fred & George Weasley (qc) F&G Adventures (8th) GOF TNov2024
Arthur Weasley (cos) Broken Arthur (9th) GOF TNov2024
Igor Karkaroff (gof) Whispers from the Shrieking Shack (10th) GOF TNov2024
Professor Rubeus Hagrid (poa) Hagrid's Creatures (11th) GOF TNov2024
Madame Olympe Maxime (gof) Olympe Control (12th) GOF TNov2024
Prof. Flitwick, Charms Master (eotp) Station OTK (13th) GOF TNov2024
Professor Minerva McGonagall (qc) Owls & Dragons (14th) GOF TNov2024
Professor Filius Flitwick (bs) Let the Tables Hit the Floor! (15th) GOF TNov2024
Professor Filius Flitwick (bs) Flitwick Loves Candy (16th) GOF TNov2024
Seamus Finnigan (QC) Hair2 (aka Seamus Characters) (1st) HAH TMay2024 Huamin
Fred & George Weasley (QC) FnG Lesson Destruction (2nd) HAH TMay2024 Rhys
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) Gnome Control (3rd) HAH TMay2024 Finn
Prof. Rubeus Hagrid (POA) Willy Willits (4th) HAH TMay2024 Ben
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) Wand Shop Drink (5th) HAH TMay2024 Jan
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Draco changes Arthur (6th) HAH TMay2024 Friz
Helga Hufflepuff (HAH) Helga Kitchen Control (7th) HAH TMay2024 Nick
Seamus Finnigan (QC) Seamus's Exploding Snap (8th) HAH TMay2024 Drew
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall Creature Lesson Destruction (1st) HAH TFeb2024 bridgeman7773
Fred & George Weasley (QC) Fred & George Adventure-Creature Control (2nd) HAH TFeb2024 Carter/Coaxkia
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall VTJ Combo (3rd) HAH TFeb2024 JanG
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Draco Bulgeye Comco (4th) HAH TFeb2024 Syraphym
Arthur Weasley (COS) Arthur's Broken Item (5th) HAH TFeb2024 bdsaxx
Seamus Finnigan (QC) Finnigan's Match Combo (6th) HAH TFeb2024 Lostrian
Harry, Young Marauder (EOTP) Marauder Shenanigans (7th) HAH TFeb2024 nickieeatsalot
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall Creature (8th) HAH TFeb2024 fey_fanny
Salazar Slytherin (HAH) Salazar Big Charms (9th) HAH TFeb2024 Geldwin
Seamus Finnigan (QC) Seamus's Spiral Dive (10th) HAH TFeb2024 timetwister
Hermione, Overworked Student (EOTP) Overworked Creatures (11th) HAH TFeb2024 rubogra90
Walden MacNair (EOTP) MacNair's Good Stuff (12th) HAH TFeb2024 foxwolf
prof. Flitwick, Charms Master (EOTP) Flitwick's Candy (13th) HAH TFeb2024 Nicola (Friz)
Fred & George Weasley (QC) Fred & George Adventure Control (1st) EOTP TNov2023 Carter
Arthur Weasley (COS) Broken Arthur (2nd) EOTP TNov2023 Justin
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall's Spells (3rd) EOTP TNov2023 JanG
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall's Creatures (4th) EOTP TNov2023 Fanny
Prof. Flitwick, Charms Master (EOTP) Flitwick's Charms (5th) EOTP TNov2023 Nicola
Hermione, Overworked Student (EOTP) Hermione's Overworked Creatures (6th) EOTP TNov2023 Rhys
Fred & George Weasley (QC) Fred & George's Adventuring Creatures (7th) EOTP TNov2023 Nick
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Draco's Broken Items (8th) EOTP TNov2023 Drew
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) MGonagall Control/Creatures (1st) SOH TMarch2023 Finn
Prof. Rubeus Hagrid (POA) Hagrid's Creature Cooridor (2nd) SOH TMarch2023 Friz
Arthur Weasley (COS) Broken Arthur (3rd) SOH TMarch2023 Justin
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Draco's Owl Items (4th) SOH TMarch2023 Chris A.
Fred & George, Beaters (POA) Twin's Items (5th) SOH TMarch2023 Rhys
Angelina Johnson (AAH) Johnson's Match (6th) SOH TMarch2023 Drew
Albus Dumbledore (AAH) Dumbledore Control (7th) SOH TMarch2023 Carter
Hermione Granger (BS) Hermione's Spells (8th) SOH TMarch2023 Bruno
Madam Rosmerta (SOH) Merta's Healing Brew SOH WW @vdsams
Albus Dumbledore (AAH) Dumbledore's Control SOH WW @Carter/coaxkia#0732
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Malfoy's Quidditch/Potion Items SOH WW @tydeFriz#4941
Fred and George, Beaters (POA) Beaters' Items SOH WW @ramen noodle#5290
Fred and George, Beaters (POA) Beaters' Transfiguration Items SOH WW @vdsams#8927
Professor Filius Flitwick (BS) Dumb Stuff (1st) POA TMarch2022 Friz
Professor Rubeus Hagrid (POA) "Interestin' Creatures" (2nd) POA TMarch2022 Michael C.
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) VTJ Items (3rd) POA TMarch2022 Rhys
Angelina Johnson (AAH) Quidditch-Creatures (4th) POA TMarch2022 Michael P.
Sirius Black (POA) Control (5th) POA TMarch2022 Red
Professor Rubeus Hagrid (POA) Owl Tribal (6th) POA TMarch2022 Douglas C.
Angelina Johnson (AAH) Angelina's Charms Match POA WW @Barbosa_Tardin#1371
Prof. Gilderoy Lockhart (HOS) Lockhart's Charms Creatures POA WW @vdsams#8927
Prof. Rubeus Hagrid (POA) Hagrid's Pets POA WW @elvisthegamecollector#5560
Prof. Rubeus Hagrid (POA) Hagrid's Pets POA WW @Parker#4915
Prof. Rubeus Hagrid (POA) Hagrid's Pets POA WW @Carter/coaxkia#0732
Prof. Rubeus Hagrid (POA) Hagrid's Pets POA WW @fedorov#9245
Prof. Rubeus Hagrid (POA) Hagrid's Pets POA WW @vdsams#8927
Sirius Black (POA) Sirius Creatures POA WW @fedorov#9245
Prof. Gilderoy Lockhart (HOS) Lockhart's Transfiguration Creatures HOS WW @vdsams#8927
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall's Big Control HOS WW @lebkoslav#1547
Prof. Severus Snape (BS) Snape's Bulgeye HOS WW @lebkoslav#1547
Prof. Severus Snape (BS) Snape's Quidditch Charms HOS WW @vdsams#8927
Seamus Finnigan (QC) Seamus Creatures HOS WW @mdiaz1#8648
Hannah Abbott (BS) VTJ Control (1st) HOS TMay2021 @BraidsMamma
Seamus Finnigan (QC) Character Snuffling Combo (2nd) HOS TMay2021 @mdiaz1
Madam Rolanda Hooch (QC) Hooch's Creatures (3rd) HOS TMay2021 @M1nutemanRen
Harry Triumphant (AAH) Adventure Control (4th) HOS TMay2021 @lostrian
Hermione Granger (BS) Hermione's Big Creatures (5th) HOS TMay2021 @lebkoslav
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) VTJ Items (6th) HOS TMay2021 @bboy duba 95
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Quidditch-Owl Items (7th) HOS TMay2021 @elder
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) Creature Aggro (8th) HOS TMay2021 @hadhayosh
Prof. Severus Snape (BS) Character Control (9th) HOS TMay2021 @parker
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) Creature Aggro (10th) HOS TMay2021 @elvisthegamecollector
Angelina Johnson (AAH) Quidditch Aggro (11th) HOS TMay2021 @geldwin
Professor Filius FLitwick (BS) Charms Creatures (12th) HOS TMay2021 @johann
Madam Rolanda Hooch (QC) 4-Color Aggro (13th) HOS TMay2021 @gregster297
Arthur Weasley (COS) Quidditch-Transfiguration Items (14th) HOS TMay2021 @Ken_the_human
Professor Filius Flitwick (BS) Dumb Stuff (15th) HOS TMay2021 @tydeFriz
Oliver Wood (QC) Quidditch Aggro (16th) HOS TMay2021 @urawizard
Oliver Wood (QC) Characters VTJ (17th) HOS TMay2021 @Brian1996
Professor Gilderoy Lockhart (HOS) Hand Control Creatures (18th) HOS TMay2021 @goldensun
Armando Dippet (HOS) House Tribal (19th) HOS TMay2021 @sammy
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) Big Quidditch Spells (20th) HOS TMay2021 @slugman
Armando Dippet (HOS) House Tribal (21st) HOS TMay2021 @Bruno Rago
Madam Rolanda Hooch (QC) Quidditch Good Stuff (22nd) HOS TMay2021 @abtsilence
Madam Promfrey (AAH) Creatures (23rd) HOS TMay2021 @donovanj.durfee
Katie Bell (HOS) Quidditch (24th) HOS TMay2021 @hent0076
Madam Rolanda Hooch (QC) Quidditch-Transfiguration Control (25th) HOS TMay2021 @daneoid
Angelina Jonhson (AAH) Angelina's Riding the Centaur Match HOS WW @hadhayosh#2264
Angelina Jonhson (AAH) Angelina's Transfiguration Match HOS WW @pesh021#8313
Colin Creevey (COS) Colin's Draw HOS WW @lostrian#1553
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Draco's Items HOS WW @tydePriz#4941
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Malfoy's Characters HOS WW @hadhayosh#2264
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Malfoy's Bigger Items HOS WW @vdsams#8927
Draco Malfoy, Slytherin (DA) Malfoy's Potion Items HOS WW @tydeFriz#4941
Harry Potter (BS) Harry's Potionfiguration HOS WW @lostian#1553
Harry Triumphant (AAH) Harry's Control HOS WW @lostian#1553
Hermione Granger (BS) Hermione's Big Potions HOS WW @vdsams#8927
Lee Jordan (DA) Lee's Cheering HOS WW @Stefan#2475
Madam Hooch (QC) Hooch's Game HOS WW @elvisthegamecollector#5560
Prof. Gilderoy Lockhart (HOS) Lockhart's Quidditch Creatures HOS WW @Stefan#2475
Draco Malfoy (BS) Malfoy Creature Aggro O5 WW @Lostrian#1553
Fred & George Weasley (QC) Adventure Snuffling Combo O5 WW @Stefan#2475
Fred & George Weasley (QC) Adventure Match O5 WW @Lostrian#1553
Ginny Weasley (COS) Snuffling Combo O5 WW @mdiaz#8648
Hannah Abbott (BS) Charms Match O5 WW @elder#6141
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall Creatures O5 WW @elvisthegamecollector#5560
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall Creatures O5 WW @vdsams#8927
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall Creatures O5 WW @Parker#4915
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall Creatures O5 WW @FRANKIEFRIDAY#3167
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall VTJ O5 WW @FRANKIEFRIDAY#3167
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) McGonagall Match Creatures O5 WW @Stefan#2475
Ron Weasley (BS) Ron Snuffling Combo O5 WW @FRANKIEFRIDAY#3167
Seamus Finnigan (QC) Seamus VTJ O5 WW @mdiaz#8648
Seamus Finnigan (QC) Seamus Creature Adventure Control O5 WW @FRANKIEFRIDAY#3267
Seamus Finnigan (QC) Seamus VTJ Adventures O5 WW @mdiaz1#8648
Ron Weasley (BS) Character-Control VTJ (1st) O5 TJune2022 Parker
Ron Weasley (BS) Character Control (2nd) O5 TJune2022 Geldwin
Fred & George Weasley (QC) Adventure Control - Creatures(3rd) O5 TJune2022 Hadroncollision
Fred & George Weasley (QC) Adventure Control - Craeture Aggro (4th - tie) O5 TJune2022 coaxkia
Fred & George Weasley (QC) Adventure Control (4th - tie) O5 TJune2022 Lostrian
Prof. Minerva McGonagall (QC) Creatures (6th) O5 TJune2022 RandalfTheGrey
*O5 is an abbreviation for "Original 5"; these are Classic decks consisting of only the original 5 sets and played during a Classic event.
*WW is an abbreviation for Wizarding Wars; weekly events for players to test decks in a laid back, organized play.
*GC is an abbreviatin for GenCon; an annual event in Indianapolis where HPTCG Revival first started organizing.
*T[DATE] means the deck is from a Tournament during the month and year listed.
Want to submit a deck list? Join our discord channel and post your deck in either the Revival Discussion channel or the Classic Discussion channel.

*Artwork by Paolo Maria Breda