//deck-60 25 Potions 4 Bubotuber Pus 4 Magical Drafts and Potions 1 Pressing the Knot 3 Caught by Dementors 2 Ton-Tongue Toffee 1 Cauldron Calamity 1 Apothecary 3 Destroyed Broom 2 12 Years in Azkaban 2 Malevolent Mixture 4 Dogbreath Potion 1 Azkaban 4 Fatiguing Fusion 3 Sir Cadogan //sideboard-10 2 Pettigrew's Treachery 3 Jawbind Potion 2 Azkaban Breakout 3 Pressing the Knot 1 Azkaban 2 Melted Cauldron 2 Ingredient Preparation //play-1 Hermoine, S.P.E.W. Founder