//sideboard-1 3 Argus Filch 2 Pep Talk 2 Walden MacNair 2 Dementors on the Lake 2 Madam Pomfrey 2 Through the Arch 2 In the Stands //play-1 1 Draco Malfoy, Slytherin //deck-1 7 Transfiguration 7 Quidditch 6 Charms 2 Arithmancy, Third Year 2 History of Magic, Third Year 4 Broken Item 3 Sickle 2 Flying Car 4 Comet Two Ninety 3 Spellotape 4 Knut 4 Broomstick Compass 2 Intermediate Transfiguration 2 Inheriting the Map 4 Spiral Dive 4 Flitwick's Inspection