//play Helga Hufflepuff //deck 1 Madam Pomfrey (aah) 2 12 Years in Azkaban (poa) 4 Hogwart's Kitchen (hah) 4 Unfogging the Future (poa) 2 Teacups and Tea Leaves (poa) 2 Cauldron Calamity (hos) 4 Butterbeer (soh) 4 Picking on Neville (da) 1 Malevolent Mixture (bs) 2 Midnight Snacks (hah) 4 Palmistry (poa) 2 Stairs into Slides (hah) 2 Wolfsbane Potion (poa) 3 Patronus Practice (eotp) 1 Diffindo (qc) 11 Potions (aah) 11 Transfiguration (aah) //sideboard 3 Flying Motorbike (aah) 3 Through the Arch (da) 2 Ballooning Aunt (poa) 1 Argus Filch (aah) 3 Transfiguration Test (bs) 3 Table Trouble (da)