The following rules will be followed during all organized HPTCG Revival events, both virtual and in person, where noted.

Please see our B&R, Errata page for the Banned and Restricted List as well as the Errata List.

Tournament Proxy Policy

Proxies will be legal to play with in HPTCG Revival Events. The decision to do so is to foster growth for Harry Potter TCG, the community, and to ensure accessibility for as many players as possible.
In the near future, the Revival Team will be releasing resources and tools to assist in the process of creating high quality printed cards at home.

  1. All cards produced by Wizards of the Coast or the Revival Team are printable and legal for use in sanctioned events.
  2. The print quality of the card must be as high as reasonably possible, the printed card must be in color, and all relevant text must be readable and with no alterations to the card. Printable cards should not be printed on any kind of non-standard paper that will distort the image or allow the cards to be marked or otherwise detected.
  3. When a player is using printed and physical cards, they should take into account the thickness of cards within sleeves to make them indistinguishable from each other so as to not create marked cards.
  4. Players should use high quality opaque sleeves to ehlp mitigate the possibility of marked cards within decks.
  5. Quality of printing and sleeves can vary greatly. If a player is worried about their deck, they should ask the tournament organizer for approval of their printing and sleeving for the event.

Tournament Scoring System

Rounds will be determined based on the number of entrants. Rounds are always best of 3. Rounds will be Swiss format. During semi finals, ties will be played to determine the top 4 spots if there is a tie. If there is not a tie, only the top 2 players will compete for first place.
Tournament software will be used to match up players (these will be changed to try to not have the same players play each other).

The table below depicts the number of rounds for the number of entrants. This will be adjusted on a per-tournament basis, if necessary.
Number of entrants Number of rounds Finals
1-4 3 rounds (round robin) Top seed wins
5-8 3 swiss rounds Top seed wins
9-16 4 rounds Top 4 single elimination
1 vs 4 and 2 vs 3
17-32 5 rounds Top 8 single elimination

Tournament Rules

All Revival Tournaments will abide by the following set of rules. Players, spectators, and tournament officials must follow these rules while involved in Ministry of Magic sanctioned Harry Potter TCG Revival tournaments.

All decks must abide by the following deck building requirements.

The following pre-game procedures will be followed:

  1. Each player puts their starting Witch or Wizard face-up on the table.
  2. Players shuffle their deck and presents it to their opponents for addiitonal shuffling and/or cutting.
  3. Determine who plays first via any agreed upon, unbiased method (dice roll, coin flip, etc.).
  4. Each player draws an initial hand of 7 cards.
  5. First player decides if they want to mulligan, followed by second player. To mulligan, shuffle your hand back into your deck, present your deck to your opponents to cut, and draw a new hand of 7 cards. You must keep this new hand.*
  6. The loser of game 1 decides who goes first in game 2, and the loser of game 2 decides who goes first in game 3.

Players may sideboard after games 1 and 2. Players may switch out at a rate of one-to-one, any of the 15 cards in their sideboard with cards in their main deck. A player's starting Witch or Wizard may never be switched out.*
All final judgement calls reside with the tournament orgainzer.

* Applies only to Revival Format events.
Applies only to virtual events.

Tournament FAQs

Q. Who decides to go first?
A. For in person events, the winner of a coin toss (or other random method) chooses who plays first. For tournaments that include more than one game per match, after each game in a match, the loser of that game (even if the game loss was due to a penalty) decides whether to play first in the next game. If the game was a draw (so there was no winner or loser), the player who decided who played first for that game chooses for the next game.
For virtual tournaments, Game 1 in swiss rounds use the roll dice function. For games 2 and 3, the loser of the previous game will have choice of going first or second. For the top 8 the higher seed will have choice.

Q. What is the mulligan rule?
A. In Revival Format you're allowed one mulligan. Shuffle your hand back into your deck and draw a new hang of 7 cards.

Q. How do sideboards works?
A. You're allowed a 15 card sideboard in the Revival Format. For games 2 and 3, you can swap cards from your deck and your sideboard, but make sure your deck is always 60 cards.

Q. What cards are authorized for paper tournament play?
A. All Harry Potter cards, including promotional cards released by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., are legal for tournament play. Non–local language cards may be used in players’ decks only if the same cards are available in a local-language version produced by Wizards of the Coast. If no cards are produced in a local language, then the tournament organizer must announce what language will be considered the local language for the event. Players choosing to play with non–local-language cards must have a local language version available outside of their decks for their opponents or the judge to reference. However, players may use Lesson cards in any language without providing a local-language equivalent.

Q. What do I need to bring to a tournament?
A. A player must bring a method of tracking card effects (creature damage, skipped Actions, “once per game” character abilities, and so on), such as tokens or dice.

For virtual tournaments only:

General information
- The Rules and Signup has each player's discord tag and deck hash.
- Tournaments last around 15 days for swiss rounds and addition time for top 8.
- Rounds are 72 hours.
- Matches are 60 minutes, best 2 out of 3.
- Each player should keep a timer and try to sync up with each other when starting. Matches should last no longer than 60 minutes. At the 60 minute mark, each player will get 3 more full turns, including the player whose turn it is.
- In Swiss tournaments, if the number of players in the round is uneven, then there will be one player with no one to play against that round. This unmatched player gets what is called a 'bye'. A bye means you do not play a game that round, but still get 3 points as if you had won a game.

Posting results
- Results should be posted in #pairings-reporting immediately after a match.
- Either player may post results. Whichever player does not post results should react to the post, confirming results.

About Judges
- Please ask all Judge questions in the #judge-questions channel in discord, using the @Judge tag. Please pause your game timers, as it might take judges a few minutes to respond.
- Judges will be able to help with quesitons or match problems, but cannot commit to watching everyone's games. If you would like a judge to watch your match, you must set up a time in advance with a judge to do so.

Coordinating playing with your opponent
- Message your opponent soon after pairings are posted, and message them directly in a private message.
- When playing, call or chat with them via private message or use a Table in our discord server.
- Failure for one party to find availability to play their match will result in a match loss. Failure for both parties to coordinate a time to play their match will be scored as a tie.
- If a player refuses to play, it will be considered a 0-2 loss for them. Immediately let the tournament organizer know.

In-match situations
- If a player leaves a match intentionally, it is considered a forfeit and the score will be recorded as 0-2, a loss for them, regardless of the actual match. A final judgement call is up to the tournamnet organizer.
- Conceding a match will result in a score of 0-2 for the player who conceded.
- We do not allow intentional draws and ask everyone to play all of their matches. Draws don't give new players a better tournament experience and can potentially discourage some from signing up for future events. This would mean lower event turnout and smaller player base. This is not something that we can easily enforce online, but hope that you will try your best for the event and players to play each and every game out.
- If a player cheats, they will be kicked from the tournament with the tournament organizer deciding if they can register in future tournaments.
- If software stops working mid-match, immediately let the tournament organizer know. Record the current match score.